Junior Summer English Courses London

Have fun & improve your English in mixed nationality classes

ENROL NOW! for summer 2024 Junior mixed-nationality English language courses at the Islington Centre for English in London.  

Times:  9.15am to 12pm Monday to Friday (15-minute break included)

Starting June 24th 2024, ICE will be offering  mixed nationality group classes (for individual students as well as groups) for students aged 11-15 years old.  Lessons are active, fun, varied & stimulating and will allow your junior English language student to make the most of his or her summer stay in London.
Students will use a course book aimed at younger students on shorter English courses.  Teachers will employ a variety of fun activities and teaching techniques to hold the attention of our younger English students.  We aim to foster a love for learning this beautiful, ever-changing language.  From time-to-time, students may also be taken out of the classroom to use the English language in real life situations in our local area of Angel, Islington.

In order to promote the most effective learning environment class sizes will be limited to a maximum of 15 students.



ICE requires all students to be brought to school on their first day by a responsible adult.  Please note, we do not provide accommodation for unaccompanied language students under the age of 18 years.  'Unaccompanied' means without a responsible adult such as an adult family member, carer or group leader.

All members of ICE teaching staff are qualified to a minimum of Safeguarding level 1.  Our Safeguarding lead is Level 3 qualified.  All teachers teaching on junior courses have been subject to an enhanced DBS check.

Dates and Prices per Week:

From Monday 24th June 2024 until Friday 23rd August 2024

  • 1 week:  £279

  • 2 - 4 weeks cost per week:  £235

  • 5 - 8 weeks cost per week:  £199

DISCOUNTED PACKAGE PRICE! Tuition plus Activities:  £479 per week only
A £75 registration fee is also payable which includes a course book, an English level test and consultation.

Optional Afternoon Fun/Cultural Activities 2024

All year-round, ICE offers exciting London-based activities to visiting groups of students of all ages.  Summer 2024, ICE is offering an additional service of afternoon fun-cultural programme of activities for individual students who are studying English at our school in the morning.  

Here's an example:  Learn English London Junior_Sample_Activities_Summer_23.pdf

Afternoon activities are fun, active & educational!  

Timetable:  1pm to 4pm Monday to Friday.  Students will return to the school by 4pm. 

Food:  ICE can also provide lunch for individual and group-booked students

Please note: All junior students must either:
...have a responsible adult guardian providing accommodation for him/her or
...be accompanied in London by a responsible group leader or relative to his/her homestay or 
...employ our partner company, StudyLinks, to provide Guardianship services
ICE will only provide tuition and/ or accommodation to junior students who have guardianship in one of the models above.
Email Katy for more details:  enrol@letslearnenglish.org
Have you seen our Google reviews lately?  https://www.google.com/search?q=islignton+cebtre+for+english&rlz=1C5CHFA_enGB785GB785&oq=islignton+cebtre+for+english&aqs=chrome..69i57.5599j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#lrd=0x48761b4307170413:0x919f1243ae24a8b3,1,,,